Pearl's Piece Animal Rescue
A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
Please bear with us as we make improvements every day!
Our Work
Programs & Projects
We are dedicated to decreasing the population of homeless animals in our community. Through a multifaceted approach between our organization and working together with other local groups, our goal is to help every animal in need allowing them a full, healthy, and loved life.

Look what we've been up to!
Catawba Feral Cat Colony first TNR's
As the first step in helping manage an overpopulated and unmanaged feral colony in Catawba, we successfully TNR'ed a handful of adults and recruited a local caretaker to love them from afar. We will be returning in the future with the goal of TNR'ing the entire colony. Read more about the project below!

April 23, 2020
Humane and low stress live trapping of feral colony cats in Catawba, VA

S/Neuter Surgery
May 2020
TNR Catawba ferals receive their s/neuter surgery, vet exam, vaccinations, and ear tip identification

Release Day
May 2020
After a recovery period, Catawba ferals sporting their new ear tips are released back to the safety of their home territory with a nearby caretaker
Ways You Can Help
Help us help animals in need!
There are lots of different ways to help, but all of them allow us to continue and expand our projects and goals. Every contribution big or small is valuable to us and appreciated, and helps us save lives!