All Things Kitten
date goes here?
Kitten resources blurb here

I Found A Kitten!
.....now what?
Scoop it up, or leave it be?
How to tell if immediate help is needed, or if it's best to come back with a plan
How to tell if Mom is nearby
Keep it WARM!
Warmth is BEST way to help a kitten!
Quick, easy, and safe ways to provide an appropriate heat source
Kibble, can, or bottle?
When, what, and how to feed based on age and condition
Options for feeding newborns in a pinch
Item Subtitle
Whether you want to keep, foster, or hand the kitten off, find answers, options, and advice

Kitten Resources
All the best info gathered in one place!
Explore below to find info about kitten care including diet, bottle feeding & weaning, health concerns, parasites, development, aging, sexing, pottying and litter box training, crisis & emergency triage, and more!
a quick guide for
When to scoop them up and when to leave them be
How to know if Mom is nearby
How to make it through the first 24hrs
how old is it?
Several guides with pictures and descriptions to help you determine the age of a kitten
Aging helps determine necessary diet and level of care needed
Boy or Girl?
Several guides with pictures and descriptions to help you determine the gender of a kitten
is it healthy?
Health Conditions
A quick guide to determining estimated health status of a new kitten
This version of the guide is for newly found kittens, as an initial triage and assessment
what do I feed it?
Diet & Nutrition
Kittens need specific diets based on their age
What to feed, how often to feed, and where to get it
Bottle Feeding
An easy to follow, step-by-step guide to bottle feeding to help anyone learn, no experience necessary
Includes troubleshooting and supply recommendations
babies & litter boxes
What goes in must come out
Guide for successfully stimulating newborns to potty
Guide to introducing the litter box and instinctual behaviors
Troubleshooting potty concerns
kittens need warmth
Heat Sources
A guide to safe and appropriate heat sources, how to make them, or where to find them, and how to use them
How to tell how much warmth a kitten needs
keep everyone safe
Health Quarantine
How to help protect your home, family, and pets from potential contagious diseases a new kitten may carry
How to provide an appropriate quarantine space for a kitten based on age and condition
Can't find what you're looking for? Let us know what topics you'd like to see added to our kitten resources page!